Monday, September 14, 2009

Miracles Do Happen on The Trains

I tend to agree with Green's last post on the need for some sort of public education for graciousness on our public transport. Then again, I don't think it's aimed at Singaporeans alone. There are many non-Singaporeans - migrants or transient workers - who have recently started to call Singapore their home. These belong to the population who have not gone through the rigours of a Singaporean education system, so are perhaps not used to rules and regulations and indirectly, a certain level of gracious norms in our city state.

Let's give them the benefit of doubt. After all, this is not the aim of this post.

The purpose of this post really points towards the daily miracles that happen on our trains. have you seen them?

Have you seen schoolchildren and able-bodied adults occupying seats meant for the elderly and disabled?

Have you seen them miraculously falling into 'deep sleep' the moment they sit down, while everyone else around them are either wide awake or standing with the rest of the crowd?

Have you seen them totally oblivious to pregnant women and elderly persons standing in front of them?

Have you seen them totally engrossed in their world of PSPs and ipods, again totally oblivious to the living world around them?

Have you seen them miraculously waking up and alighting the moment the train stops at their destination? As if an inbuilt GPS system embedded in their heads trigger off some sort of alarm as the train approaches their intended destination.


signing off,

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